SEO, Analytics & Generative AI Blog

Google SGE toggle in Search Labs

Will Google SGE Survive?

Google Search Generative Experience, or SGE, launched as an experimental search interface in May of 2023. Users gained access to the new search experience by joining a waitlist with their…

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Come on in we're open sign

Local SEO is Essential for Small Businesses

Search engine optimization (SEO) might not be top of mind for every small business owner, but it probably should be. SEO can help small-medium businesses (SMBs) improve their visibility online,…

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Google Trends chart for AI

How Generative AI is Changing SEO Today

The search engine optimization (SEO) community loves to discuss how new technologies, algorithm adjustments and the like will change everything as we know it. As an industry we’re often looking…

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WordPress Plugins landing page

WordPress Pros & Cons

Here’s some of the pros and cons of working with WordPress from my experience setting up and working on client sites. Cons So many plug-ins Layering plug-ins doesn’t make…

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Google PageSpeed Insights report for

Improve Performance with a Free CDN

I was stunned when I recently discovered that Cloudflare offers not only a free CDN, but also free DDoS protection, SSL certifications and more for “personal and hobby projects that…

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Google Analytics 4 search bar example

GA4 Features for SMBs

Several features were introduced and improved in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) with small-business owners in mind. GA4 provides a range of SMB-friendly configuration options and settings that are designed for…

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Our company blog at Nuaveu focuses on SEO, analytics and generative AI. Check back frequently for the latest tips, best practices, industry updates and more!

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