How to Link GSC to GA4

Looking to integrate your Google Search Console data into Google Analytics 4? Here’s a quick how-to guide:

  1. Have Editor access to the Google Analytics 4 property
  2. Be a verified owner of the Google Search Console property with the same email
  3. Log into Google Analytics and go to Admin
  4. Click Search Console links under Product links
  5. Click Choose accounts and select the applicable property
  6. Click Confirm and then click Next
  7. Select the GA4 web data stream for your website
  8. Click Next and then submit your configuration settings

Reports from integrating GSC with GA4

You will get access to two new reports in Google Analytics 4 after linking your Search Console property. These reports are:

  • Google Organic Search Queries
  • Google Organic Search Traffic

Once your properties are integrated, these reports will appear under the Search Console dropdown on the GA4 reporting hub (screenshot below).


There’re limits that you should be aware of when linking your Search Console and Google Analytics properties. According to Google’s documentation you can only link a web data stream to one Search Console property and vice versa. Search Console metrics are also only compatible with Search Console dimensions and these Analytics dimensions:

  • Landing page
  • Device
  • Country


Linking Google Search Console to your Google Analytics 4 is a great way integrate your organic search data with website analytics. Seeing how clicks on Google translate to user behavior on your website is often insightful. Connecting GSC with GA4 can help you understand your website performance and users from first click to conversion. Make sure to check out How to Setup Google Search Console & Bing Webmaster Tools for tips on verifying GSC. I also created a Google Analytics Implementation Guide if you need help getting started.

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