Technical SEO Services & Consulting

Your website’s SEO success depends on more than just relevant content and targeted keywords. Technical SEO is the cornerstone of an effective search strategy. At Nuaveu, we specialize in technical SEO services and ensuring the crawlability and indexability of your website.

Technical SEO Audits

Our comprehensive SEO audits include an in-depth look at all the technical elements of your search engine optimization. We also offer specialized audits focused solely on the technical elements of your website.

Gain peace of mind knowing that every aspect of your technical is up to par by working with an SEO company owned and operated by an experienced SEO. Our technical SEO audits include analyzing your site’s:

  • Crawlability and indexability
  • Site architecture & tech stack
  • HTTPS site security
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Page load speed
  • Robots.txt
  • Sitemap.xml

SEO Consultant

Just need a technical SEO consultant to collaborate with? Contact us today and we’ll put you in touch with an SEO expert in no time. Forget hiring a new employee or onboarding an agency and take advantage of 10 years of SEO experience without the hassle!

Our process

Our process for providing technical SEO services varies client to client according to their needs, but here is a rough outline of what to expect:

  1. Initial assessment – we’ll meet with you to learn about your business, website, goals and concerns.
  2. Audit and analysis – an expert SEO will audit your website’s technical SEO and analysis the results to look for issues and opportunities.
  3. Reporting and recommendations – our team will prepare a comprehensive report detailing everything uncovered during our audit and recommend next steps.
  4. Implementation – from here you can decide whether you’d like to implement the recommendations provided or have our team assist.
  5. On-going support – lastly, we offer on-going technical SEO support (optional) if you need continued assistance.

Ready to unlock your site’s full potential and elevate your brand’s visibility on search engines? Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote on SEO services.

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